Time to Rest
“I know you’re tired. I know you’re physically and emotionally drained. But you have to keep going.” – Unknown The above quote is labelled as being motivational. It intends to urge people to keep...

Faith Can Move Mountains
"Faith is unseen but felt, faith is strength when we feel we have none, faith is hope when all seems lost." – Catherine Pulsifer People often tell us to have more faith, but how do you have faith...
Unlearn What You “Know”
There comes the point in our lives where we need to unlearn many things we have heard in passing, read and been taught by those closest to us, and this rings true in many parts of our lives but especially when it comes to Mental Health. “You must unlearn what you have...
Are We Masking Our Anxiety?
Everyone experiences anxiety in their lives, but what is a situational blip in life’s journey for some is a daily struggle for others. I read a statistic somewhere, and it said that 1 in 4 individuals struggles with Anxiety (that is the non-situational type)....
It’s me, not you!
I was at the grocery store the other day, and I saw a man engrossed in a book outside. And being the extrovert that I am, I approached him and asked what he was reading. He looked up from his book with a stare of anger and annoyance and stared me dead in the eyes and...
How Effective Is Your Communication?
We all like to pride ourselves on being effective communicators. I mean, even though we probably speak more than we listen, we still consider ourselves great communicators right? We live in a time where texting is the preferred way to deliver a message. Throw in...
Suicide: A Life-Saving Conversation
“People who die by suicide don’t want to end their lives; they want to end their pain.” - Unknown I saw this quote, and I pondered it for a long while and realized the enormous truth that resides in such a short sentence. It spoke volumes and made me pause as I sat...
Who Are You Anyway?
Why are we no longer inclined to be ourselves complete with flaws, quirks and the unmentionable? At what point have we as individuals lost sight of who we are? And when did being ourselves become something we need to discover?! If you live for other people’s...
10 Tips To Jumpstart Self-Care
Self-care has been a buzz word lately, especially during Covid19 many of us have found ourselves working from home, and somehow we are putting in more hours these days than ever before. Our daily commute is now a few steps away from our bedroom. Our make-shift office...
Emotional Intelligence. Do You Have What It Takes?
Emotional Intelligence, a phrase we hear often and are most adamant we possess but do we? Do we know what it encompasses? Do we have what it takes? According to Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions...
7 ways to Identify and Cope with your triggers
Your emotional scars are those that are invisible, easily ignored or suppressed and are susceptible to triggers that may ignite the fire within us, bringing those emotions to the surface. Every scar comes with an associated story, some more painful than others,...
How to Navigate Fatherhood & Depression
“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.” At the age of 28, my life changed for the better, I was no longer just a man diagnosed with depression, trying to figure out a new world mentally, but I was blessed with the gift of...
Heart of a Man
Equipping Men with the adequate tools to Overcome, Elevate, Inspire.
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