Our lives have significantly changed over the past 20 months, and we have changed tremendously as individuals. There are droves of people who lost their jobs and have had to reinvent themselves. That in itself is stressful, especially when, as humans, we naturally restrict our capabilities based on what other people say and what we think of ourselves.

But what if I told you that this is not the end, but it’s the beginning? What if I told you that perhaps an increase in your self-esteem could catapult you into a new way of thinking, doing and living? And you may say to me you don’t have low self-esteem, but I am going to pose that to some degree, we all have an area in our lives or something about ourselves that we do not possess 100% confidence in. You see, there is a difference between confidence and self-esteem.

Confidence: is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s abilities or qualities.

Self-Esteem: is confidence in one’s worth or abilities.

The glaring difference between the two is that self-esteem is far deeper than confidence because it focuses on not just the appreciation but both the knowledge and appreciation of your worth. And guess what? All of this is fine because none of us is perfect, so let’s work together as we go through some helpful tools to get us all to a place of thriving in this changing world with a new sense of self that isn’t heavily weighted by the opinions of others.

  1. Stop Criticizing Yourself: We are the biggest culprits of self-criticism, and because of this, we quickly think ourselves into a place where we have convinced ourselves we are not capable of something. For every critical thing you say about yourself, come up with two positive things, and eventually, the positive will outweigh the negative.
  2. Identify What You Need and Want: Ask yourself what gives you joy. Ask yourself what you need and want to make yourself feel better, look better and think better. The key is that it starts with you, and without action, there won’t’ be any results.
  3. Look For The Good: We tend to highlight the negative and solely focus on what’s not going right. The good that is easily recognized in others can be found in yourself, provided you give yourself a chance to acknowledge it. You will be surprised what you discover once you give yourself some credit.
  4. Quit Focusing on Your Weaknesses: We all have weaknesses, and as healthy as it is to recognize and be aware of them, we are not to be driven or controlled by them. Place your weaknesses on the back burner and focus on the things you are good at, and master them to your fullest.
  5. Take Risks: Fear of failure stops us from trying new things, but that same fear also stops us from growing. So, the next time you are faced with something that makes you fearful, try it anyway and move through the fear and know you succeeded by trying even if the result isn’t what you want.
  6. Practice Saying No: There is power in setting boundaries and learning to say no, without guilt. Saying no puts you in line with knowing your worth, which positions you to increase your self-esteem.
  7. Do The Things You Enjoy: Sometimes, the things we enjoy are not what will bring the crowds, and that’s ok. Sometimes we need to step out and do the things that bring a smile to our faces and pep in our step, even if we have to do them alone.
  8. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: In a world driven by Social Media, we constantly compare ourselves to others, wreaking havoc on our mental health and diminishing our self-esteem. Remember, no one can be us, and we can’t be anyone else, so put your energy into being the best YOU that YOU can be.

I hope these tips help you discover and rediscover yourself and move in confidence to increase your self-esteem. Remember knowing your worth is half the battle.

If you want to continue this conversation, please feel free to connect with me at info@heartofaman.com or @heartofaman_

Overcome – Elevate – Inspire